Sale Coaching Lab Courses
My courses
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Basic Objection Handling
Learn the basics of handling common objections in a variety of sales situations.
Advanced Objection Handling
jTake a deep dive into more advanced objection handling techniques.
Managing a Remote Sale Team
As more and more teams move to remote work it's important to understand the unique challenges that both managers and employees face managing remote teams.
Discovery Magic
Advanced techniques for starting your sales calls right. Learn how to quickly identify what is important to your clients and direct them towards your own solutions.
Sales Basics
Go through a start to finish sales process - appliciable to multiple industries.
Goal Setting
If you don't have goals you won't hit goals. Learn how to set realistic goals on sales, income etc. and track them to improve financial success
Lead Generation
To get more sales you need more leads. Learn advanced techniques in lead generation.
Selling Consulting Services
Do you sell consulting or other personal services? develop a sales plan to achieve your goals
Time Management
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